Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Actiliv: Your way to healthier living

There are countless Water Purifier brands in the market that promise completely pure drinking water to consumers. One important thing that others often forget is that no matter how pure the water is, none of it matters if it is completely void of minerals, is acidic with high levels of pH and has no infused hydrogen ions. All of this goes into making water not only pure but also healthy to drink. With the acidic levels properly managed and each glass of water containing all the proper nutrients it needs, iLiv acts as the perfect Water Purifier With Minerals and Alkaline Water to meet everyone’s needs.

The one unique thing that iLiv offers is its Actiliv technology. Its 5-step technology ensures that everyone using it has the Best Water Purifierfor home in the market. To begin with, it boosts overall metabolism by strengthening immunity through hydrogen ions. Then, it acts as an antioxidant towards each drop of water to neutralise free radicals that cause cellular and DNA damage. After this, there is an empty void created where all these negative particles are replaced by hydroxyl ions to increase energy, mental clarity and overall alertness of anyone drinking water using iLiv.

Having built this foundation of water that is completely full of all the essential nutrients that are necessary for the human body, the purification process carries forward to detoxifying the water. This involves eliminating the mucus build-up on the colon walls and improving the body’s ability to absorb important nutrients. Lastly, but also perhaps most importantly the purification process involves restoring pH levels by reducing acidity levels in the water. This is the most critical parameter when purchasing any water purifier water in the market.

Whenever you’re thinking about getting yourself a brand new water purifier in the market, the first and most important thing to know is that R.O. and Water Purifier is not the same thing. Depending on the pH level in the water, the purifier for your water changes too. The range of pH scale varies between 0-14, with 7 being the normal pH level. Anything less than 7 is considered acidic whereas anything higher than 7 is considered to be alkaline or basic. Keeping all of this in mind, get yourself the Best RO Water Purifier in India with iLiv.

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