Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Reverse Osmosis Benefits

February 04, 2020 0

Water is an indispensable part of our lives. The existence of human life is solely based on this solvent. We just can’t live without water! In today’s world where population, industrialisation and environmental degradation is increasing to a great extent, it is almost difficult to drink pure. It is difficult to know that water today is unfit for drinking.

There is an old saying “ Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine”. This emphasises that clean water is highly essential for maintaining good health.

There are different techniques that are widely used to purify water. One such most economical way of purifying water is through Reverse Osmosis System.

 Many different companies came up with this concept to provide safe and clean drinking water to people.

Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of installing a Reverse Osmosis Water purifiers system at home.

Fewer contaminants
Reverse osmosis is that water purification technology used to remove any contaminants that are present in the water in the form of molecules. These compounds include iron, lead, calcium and manganese among others. Reverse osmosis technology is a process that can be summarized in simple words “keeping what is good for health and eliminating what is bad for our health”. Since every contaminant that makes the water unfit for drinking is removed, what we all get is pure and healthy water.

Tastes better
Reverse osmosis water is regarded to have better taste compared to other purification technique available in the market. RO water purifier is the best solution for treating hard water. It removes toxin such as lead, mercury, Fluoride, Arsenic, Chlorine which can be life-threatening. It also removes bad dour and tastes from water. Thus we get enhanced and improved water taste.

Prevent gastrointestinal problems
Water is something we drink every day in a large quantity, if pure water is not provided to the body, it can cause gastrointestinal diseases. The most common is constipation. Reverse Osmosis helps in removing every contaminant from the water thus every time we pour water in our glass, we get to drink pure water. This results in the proper functioning of our guts.

Being sure of the water quality is of utmost importance and Reverse Osmosis is a technology that is used to remove a large majority of contaminants from water by pushing the water under pressure through a semi-permeable membrane. So if you are looking to ensure your family good health, then move a step to install an RO Water Purifier System in your home. From where?
The answer is Iliv water purifiers. Visit iLiv RO Water Purifier website or store to get your hands on their fabulous and futuristic water purifiers combined with revolutionary technology that gives pure and tasty water without wasting even a single drop of it.
Log in now to know more!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Iliv water purifiers: Helps in making a difference

January 22, 2020 0

Water is one of the most precious gift bestowed on us by Mother Nature. 71% of the earth surface is water and it is a known fact that every single person needs water to survive. And with the population soaring high, water conservation becomes a neccesity. Saving water is a need of the hour!

We have been taught that ‘saving is earning’ since our childhood, then why we always forget this frequently taught lesson when it comes to water? We always keep our tap running, wasting water like anything from cooking, washing to cleaning. Why we take water for granted? Is this because water is easily available to us? Just because it is renewable?

Then we should also know the widely known fact that we are going to be running out of water in the coming years!

Yes, we are going to suffer from the shortage of water soon. Atleast from now we can start this practice of saving water from our home only. There are many things that we do in our homes that results in the wastage of water.

There are so many good reasons to conserve water to deal with shortage of water in future.
Easy to do daily tasks:

Water is required in almost everything we do, from cleaning, washing, cooking food to drinking and other activities. So if we want to keep our body in good health, water is essential. Thus the bottom line is that conserving water will helps us in our day to day aactivities.
Food needs water for its growth

Fruits and vegetables need water for their healthy growth. Without water, we will not be able to gain nutrients and other essential minerals that are required by our body. Water, if not conserved, will take us in a situation where starving to death will become the last option.

We can save more on water bills

Balanced usage of water will also helps in saving more on water bills. When we will start saving water, we will automatically use less water in almost everything we do in our homes. Thus the water company that provides water will charge less on your monthly bills.

Protects our ecosystem

Water alone is not essential for the survival of human beings only, but instead it is very much important to the other living creatures on this planet. Every species neeeds water to live and survive. When we conserve water, we are not only doing the saving but at the same time, we are giving other species the way to live and survive.

From the above we can see that smart choices helps in conserving water. And it starts with our home. With the technological boom in recent years, water filtration systems today are more advanced than ever and provides clean drinking water across the planet.

Leakage from taps, faucets and showers can be repaired but how to stop water being wasted in RO water purifiers? RO water gives us safe, clean water and helps in protecting us from life-threatening water-borne diseases. But there is one big drawback of using RO water purifiers i.e. the excessive wastage of water.

According to the study, an average RO purifier wastes approximately 3 litres of water for every 1 litre of purified water. That means only 25% of water is purified and 75% of water comes out as waste. So what’s the solution?

One such adavanced water purifieers are available- iliv Water Purifiers. Everyone is doing their bit to save the world from the scarcity of water. Go for one of the Top water Purifier Brands in India, iLiv. The one thing that makes it different from the rest of the water purifier brands in its unique 100% Water Saving Aqua Reverse Technology. Thus, dubbed the A.R.T. of saving water. It manages to save every single drop of water with a tech born through years of research and expertise and a strong passion to save the environment. So, get yourself the best water purifier for home with a reverse osmosis water purifier that will both protect your health while protecting the environment.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Types of minerals in water and their importance

January 13, 2020 0

Water is the most precious gift bestowed on living things by Mother Nature. Water is indispensable for human survival and plays a significant role in the optimum functioning of the body. It is a requirement worldwide and is a storehouse of many minerals. Minerals that are good for our well- being. However, not all minerals present in the water is beneficial for our health but there are some which can prove to be dangerous.

In fact, research suggests that drinking water is quite a vital source of minerals for the human body. This is because, minerals and trace elements that are found in water exist in their ionized form, and such ions are easily absorbed by our gastrointestinal tract. 

Our body needs essential minerals for adequate growth and development. In fact, good minerals also result in strong teeth, bones, hair and healthy skin.

Let’s have a look at some of the minerals present in the water and how they are beneficial for our health.

Calcium is a mineral, used mostly by our skeleton and muscles. It’s biggest role in strengthening and developing our bones. Drinking water, with no calcium or less calcium, can add to the risk of diseases, bone fractures in children and can also lead to pregnancy-related disorders.


Magnesium is a mineral and its chemical designation is Mg2+. Our body cannot produce this mineral, so we need to consume it daily via a wholesome and balanced diet or also through drinking water. Magnesium is one of the most important minerals and is indispensable for many body functions.
 It is advised to consume water which has sodium content less than 20mg/l. Sodium in water helps to maintain and detox our stomach, intestines and colon.

Water is a basic requirement for one and all. And thus it is important to drink pure and healthy water with all essential minerals for the body to function smoothly. Everybody should know the importance of drinking pure water, and thus it is of utmost importance to invest in a high-quality water purifier which ensures purified water with all the essential minerals intact. Iliv offers a range of RO UV UF Water Purifiers, which efficiently kills all the germs and microbes with its revolutionary Actiliv Technology offering only pure and healthy water – reinforced with essential minerals. It also restores pH balance by reducing acidity levels.
Endow your family with a daily dose of essential minerals by bringing home the Best Water Filter from Iliv!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Things to know about bottled water

December 16, 2019 0

Many people are dependent on bottled water for their drinking requirements. As bottled water is easily available at every stores,  people think that this is the only pure water available to them. 

But wait for a second! This is the biggest misunderstanding of yours. Yes, you heard it right.
The question is, however, how do you know that the source of bottled water is safe? As the population is increasing rapidly day by day, the contamination of water is also rising at an alarming rate. And this is the time to get conscious and aware of the quality of water you buy to drink. 

Because of this reason, many have switched to water purifiers but there are many others out there who are still drinking bottled water. Bottled water is a storehouse of many health problems for sure!
Let’s see some of the reasons that we all should be aware of bottled drinking water. 

Full of toxins: 

Bottled water seems to be easily available but it does more harm than good. It is stocked with a lot of toxins which in turn adversely affects your health. The larger bottled water contains BPA(Bisphenol A) which is a dangerous hormonal disruptor. It can lead to serious health problems such as breast cancer, diabetes, and also reproductive disorders. 

Unknown source of water.
The reason to avoid bottled water is because of its unknown source. The suppliers claim that the bottled water is from groundwater and matches the cleaning process as recommended by the experts. But this is not the truth. 

Hazardous to the environment

Plastic bottles are hazardous to the environment. Though many of us believe that the bottles are recyclable, the reality is plastic bottles are never recyclable. Approximately 80% of the bottles are ultimately either dumped in the garbage or littered posing a great threat to the oceans and marine life

So what is a safer alternative? Water purifiers are the best alternative to stop buying bottled water. And which water purifiers are the best? 

And the answer is Iliv. Iliv is India’s first purifiers that uses revolutionary Actiliv technology that boosts your immunity and helps fight illnesses. It balances the alkaline level in the water and also infuses hydrogen ions. This makes you feel more energetic and allows water to penetrate your cells more effectively.

It manages to save every single drop of water with a tech born through years of research and expertise and a strong passion to save the environment. So, get yourself the Best Water Purifier For Home with a Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier that will both protect your health while protecting the environment.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Actiliv: Your way to healthier living

December 04, 2019 0

There are countless Water Purifier brands in the market that promise completely pure drinking water to consumers. One important thing that others often forget is that no matter how pure the water is, none of it matters if it is completely void of minerals, is acidic with high levels of pH and has no infused hydrogen ions. All of this goes into making water not only pure but also healthy to drink. With the acidic levels properly managed and each glass of water containing all the proper nutrients it needs, iLiv acts as the perfect Water Purifier With Minerals and Alkaline Water to meet everyone’s needs.

The one unique thing that iLiv offers is its Actiliv technology. Its 5-step technology ensures that everyone using it has the Best Water Purifierfor home in the market. To begin with, it boosts overall metabolism by strengthening immunity through hydrogen ions. Then, it acts as an antioxidant towards each drop of water to neutralise free radicals that cause cellular and DNA damage. After this, there is an empty void created where all these negative particles are replaced by hydroxyl ions to increase energy, mental clarity and overall alertness of anyone drinking water using iLiv.

Having built this foundation of water that is completely full of all the essential nutrients that are necessary for the human body, the purification process carries forward to detoxifying the water. This involves eliminating the mucus build-up on the colon walls and improving the body’s ability to absorb important nutrients. Lastly, but also perhaps most importantly the purification process involves restoring pH levels by reducing acidity levels in the water. This is the most critical parameter when purchasing any water purifier water in the market.

Whenever you’re thinking about getting yourself a brand new water purifier in the market, the first and most important thing to know is that R.O. and Water Purifier is not the same thing. Depending on the pH level in the water, the purifier for your water changes too. The range of pH scale varies between 0-14, with 7 being the normal pH level. Anything less than 7 is considered acidic whereas anything higher than 7 is considered to be alkaline or basic. Keeping all of this in mind, get yourself the Best RO Water Purifier in India with iLiv.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Difference between RO, UV and UF purification techniques

November 12, 2019 0

Drinking healthy water does much more than quenching your thirst. In the world where pollution is on the highest level than ever before, it is mandatory to drink purified water. Water, as we all know, is the base on which the human exists. As much as air is important, water too is equally vital.

Water if not consumed pure can lead to many water-borne diseases and as a result impacts on our energy and metabolism. High-quality water drinking water is a must in everyone’s homes because the level of water contamination has raised to a large extent.  
Thanks to the technological development in the water purification system. These advancements have made the availability of pure water much easier water.

Do you know that you have a lot of choices in terms of selecting the kind of water you want to drink? Yes, you heard it right.

There are a number of water purifiers with different purification techniques available in the market. But how come you will choose the best water purifiers that eliminate all the impurities present in water?

Let’s have a look at different purification techniques such as RO, UV, UF and how they differ from each other.

UV: Ultra-Violet water purification technique

Ultraviolet water purification is a great method for disinfecting bacteria from the water. Ultra Violet radiation technology can clean water by deactivating water-borne, disease-causing organisms. The main disadvantage of this technology is that it doesn’t take away the other contaminants from the water like chlorine, heavy metals, salts and man-made substances like petroleum products or pharmaceuticals. Another disadvantage is that it requires water to be clear for UV to work. Other filtration technology can be used with UV to make sure that all contaminants are off from the water.

 RO: Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis uses RO membranes to purify water. It is very thin and fine cloth, so fine that it can filter out chemical molecules from water. It is capable of removing up to 99% of the dissolved salts, organics, colloids, particles, bacteria, lead, mercury and pyrogens from the water. In addition to it, any RO systems are fully automated and are designed to start-up and shutdown automatically.UF:

UF: Ultra-Filtration

Ultrafiltration contains hollow fibres threaded membrane which helps in removing suspended solids, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms from the water. No electricity is required for ultrafiltration. The major drawback of this technique is that it doesn’t remove dissolved salts present in the water.

From the above information, it is clear that RO water purification techniques are better than two of them and if used along with UV and UF it would be best for any home.
Looking for Best Water Purifiers? Just visit iLiv website to know more about their sophisticated range of water purifiers.

iLiv is a first-ever RO Water Machine to have an Aqua Reverse technology that saves every single drop of water. The water purifiers are fabulous and futuristic and give extremely healthy and pure water. This makes you feel more energetic and allows water to penetrate your cells more effectively.

Visit the nearest iLiv store and get your hands on the spectacular range of faucets and wall mount water purifiers.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Best RO Water Purifiers in India

October 23, 2019 0

Water, as we all know is an indispensable part of our lives. The very existence of human is totally dependent on water. We can live for many days without food, but a day without water is a totally different thing. We just can’t live without it.

From our childhood days, we have learnt that 70% of our body is water, we lose an enormous amount of this water every day. It is for this reason, the consumption of water is emphasised. It’s a saying that “water is the cure for everything”. Based on this saying everyone from doctors, to elders recommends drinking at least 3-4 litres of water every day. Whether it is constipation, pimples, hair fall, skin dullness, everyone will emphasise to drink plenty of water. Those creams, medicines, that we all use are of no use if we are not giving our body the amount of water it needs.

It would not be wrong to say that life on our planet sustains because of this solvent. It would also not wrong to say that the water we drink today is highly impure. The water we drink may look clean but contains impurities that can make us seriously ill

In our country, over one lakh people die of water-borne diseases annually. There is also a lack of proper planning and treatment of drinking water which has left only one choice i.e. to use water purification at our homes and workplaces.

The water purified at home is not necessarily going to give us the pure water the body deserves. Water is not something just for fighting illness, it has something much more in store. Water has to be that much pure so that it can boost our immunity, enhances mental clarity and alertness.

Looking to leave behind the hassle way of purifying water at home? Visit iLIV website 

iLiv is a manufacturer and seller of Best Water Purifiers. It is something exceptional with its state-of-the-art technology that gives water the taste and purity our body needs. Equipped with the revolutionary ActivLiv technology, it boosts immunity and helps fight illnesses. It balances the alkaline level in the water which contributes to increased energy, mental clarity and overall alertness. Apart from this, it is a first-ever RO water purifier combined with Aqua Reverse Tech that saves every single drop of water. Isn’t it a brilliant move? Yes, of course, with iLiv water purifier, one can contribute to save the environment!

Looking for the Best RO Water Purifiers In India? Log in now to iLiv’s website or any nearest store to get your hands on a spectacular range of  RO water purifiers.